Below are all the courses BeePositive are able to deliver. Each has a brief description and an information sheet available for you to download. If there is a course you wish to do and it is not yet on our calendar, then please use the contact form and let us know. We will do our best to get a course sorted out for you.
We are always looking for ways to improve our service. Take a look at our ‘Coming Soon’ pages for a range of courses we will be delivering in the future.
If you want to see our planned open courses click here
Half Day Courses
This regulated Level 2 Basic Life Support qualification will give learners the skills, knowledge and practical competence to administer first aid until professional medical help arrives. It is particularly suitable for healthcare professionals for the purpose of Continual Professional Development (CPD).
The Student First Aid course will provide learners with the skills and knowledge required to provide first aid treatment confidently and safely. The course is suitable for students aged 11 years and over and fulfils the requirements of the Department for Education in respect of statutory first aid training.
Although it is not mandatory, the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) strongly recommend that qualified First Aiders and Emergency First Aiders undertake an annual refresher course in order to keep their skills up-to-date and refreshed. This three-hour annual refresher course has been designed to meet that requirement and will help First Aiders to maintain their skills and knowledge whilst also keeping up-to-date with any changes to protocols.
First Aid at Work (FAW)
Where a workplace first aid risk assessment identifies a need for an Emergency First Aider in the Workplace, this one-day qualification meets the requirements of the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 and the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1982.
Where a workplace first aid risk assessment identifies a need for a First Aider in the Workplace, this three-day qualification will give the participants a qualification to the highest level of First Aid, meeting the statutory requirements of the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 and the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1982.
This 2-day First Aid at Work course is designed for those who currently hold a First Aid at Work qualification and are due to expire and meets the requirements of the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 and the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1982.
Outdoor First Aid
This one-day emergency outdoor first aid qualification will provide learners with the skills and knowledge to respond to a range of emergency outdoor situations in a prompt, safe and effective way, particularly where professional medical help is not immediately available.
This comprehensive two-day qualification is designed for outdoor professionals and employees who work in rural or remote environments. It will enable learners to undertake the role of the First Aider when emergency medical assistance could be more than 30 minutes away.
Specifically designed for those who are involved in any form of activity, including sports, leisure and recreation. Not only is Basic Life Support included, but many other First Aid conditions are also included, making this qualification very comprehensive. This Level 3 qualification is made up of two units including First Aid Essentials. It is specifically designed for those who are involved in any form of activity, including sports, leisure and recreation.
Paediatric First Aid
This one-day Emergency Paediatric First Aid course has been designed for those who have an interest in child and infant Basic Life Support, including parents, guardians and family members.
This course has been developed for those who are working with children and infants. It will be of particular interest to teachers, child minders, crèche assistants, playgroup personnel and anyone else who has a responsibility for their welfare whilst in your care. The purpose of the qualification is for the learner to attain the knowledge and practical competence required to deal with a range of paediatric first aid situations.
DofE First Aid
At BeePositive our staff are experienced DofE expedition supervisors and assessors. So we know how it feels when a group has an emergency and we can’t get to them quickly enough.
Because of this we have looked at our courses and made changes to them to suit the young people. Our courses are created to keep a fun element, but also serious enough that they will know what to do in an emergency. Take a look and contact us about time frames and numbers.
DofE Silver Expedition First Aid
DofE Gold Expedition First Aid
DofE Expedition Staff First Aid
DofE bronze expedition first aid can be done in a couple of ways. We can run a Student First Aid course with a small add-on or run a more interactive Emergency Outdoor First Aid course. The latter is more beneficial, but both offer a regulated certificate valid for 3 years.
DofE Silver expedition first aid is a more interactive Emergency Outdoor First Aid course. Because the young people are in a more remote/unfamiliar area, we spend time ensuring that they understand and can deal with any emergency.
DofE Gold expedition first aid is a more interactive 2 Day Outdoor First Aid course. Because the young people are in a more remote/unfamiliar area, we spend time ensuring that they understand and can deal with any emergency. Including what to do if they have no phone signal and have no choice but to move the casualty.
DofE Staff expedition first aid is a more interactive 2-Day Outdoor First Aid course. It can be hard work remotely supervising groups, especially when an emergency happens and you need to be there. As we understand this our course also helps you give first aid if the need arises over the phone. But also covers moving a casualty when you have no choice.