Below are all the courses BeePositive are able to deliver. Each has a brief description and an information sheet available for you to download. If there is a course you wish to do and it is not yet on our calendar, then please use the contact form and let us know. We will do our best to get a course sorted out for you.

We are always looking for ways to improve our service. Take a look at our ‘Coming Soon’ pages for a range of courses we will be delivering in the future.

If you want to see our planned open courses click here

Half Day Courses

First Aid at Work (FAW)

Outdoor First Aid

Paediatric First Aid

DofE First Aid

At BeePositive our staff are experienced DofE expedition supervisors and assessors. So we know how it feels when a group has an emergency and we can’t get to them quickly enough.

Because of this we have looked at our courses and made changes to them to suit the young people. Our courses are created to keep a fun element, but also serious enough that they will know what to do in an emergency. Take a look and contact us about time frames and numbers.

DofE Silver Expedition First Aid

DofE Gold Expedition First Aid

DofE Expedition Staff First Aid

DofE bronze expedition first aid can be done in a couple of ways. We can run a Student First Aid course with a small add-on or run a more interactive Emergency Outdoor First Aid course. The latter is more beneficial, but both offer a regulated certificate valid for 3 years.