A good business ensures that its staff are properly trained. BeePositive Training can run a range of First Aid at Work courses to suit most business types.
Any organisation that helps/trains/looks after children, must have adequate first aid cover. Our range of paediatric courses are second to none. Giving your staff the best training to deal with an incident.
From the occasional hiker to Mountain Leaders and more. Our Outdoor First Aid courses tick all the boxes. Run by an experienced outdoors instructor, we ensure that you go away with the knowledge and confidence to deal with an incident.
Set courses to cover the first-aid elements of the Expedition Module for Bronze, Silver and Gold. Custom courses available.
Mental Health First Aid is one of the more important skills to have in the workplace and at home. BeePositive will ensure that you walk away from the course with more knowledge and a greater confidence to help someone with mental health needs.
There couldn't be a more important time to consider having your safeguarding staff trained. By training your staff you can assist in the well being of every single member, by allowing them to recognise when someone is in trouble or having problems, and knowing who to contact to help.
With changing times, it has become more important to be flexible with training. BeePositive understands that some can now be done online. We are working hard in the background to bring a range of courses either fully online or blended with face-to-face training.
If you have an idea on the type of course you want, then why not make an enquiry via our booking calendar. Select the course and dates you require, and we will send back a tailored quote for you.