Since 1 October 2013 HSE no longer approves first-aid training and qualifications or first-aid training organisations. This means that businesses have more flexibility in how they manage their provision of first aid in the workplace.
This means that the employer has to ensure that any training provider that they select for the purposes of first-aid training is competent to deliver that training.
Take a look at the sections below for assistance in choosing
Make an Assessment
Make an assessment on the first aid needs you ought to provide. Taking into consideration, working areas, work activity, location, number of employees and size of company.
Due Diligence
Check with each provider that their insurance, training certification, and own qualifications are all valid and in-date. A good training provider will gladly send over copies of the required information for your records.
Training Assurance
Is FAW/EFAW taught in accordance with current guidelines on adult basic life support published by the Resuscitation Council
(UK). A good provider can and will supply copies of their session plans for you to look at.
Do the certificates issued to students assessed as competent contain the name of the training organisation, the title of the qualification (eg FAW or EFAW), reference to the Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981, the date of issue and confirmation the certificate is valid for three years?
Standards of Training
Where candidates have a disability or learning difficulties, training providers should make reasonable adjustments during the period of training. However, at the formal (summative) assessment stages the candidate must demonstrate their first-aid competence without assistance of any kind.
I take every step to ensure that our training materials, session plans and structure exceed HSE requirements. If you are unsure of anything from this post, please contact us. We are more than happy to talk you through the process and help you get the provider that you need rather than the one you want.