
Would you know what to do? It can happen at any time to anyone! The 34-year-old lady I dealt with this year never thought it would happen to her.

Visit our website on courses to learn about Strokes or contact us.

#stroke #strokesurvivor #strokerecovery #covid #strokeawareness #braininjury #outdoorfirstaid #firstaid #firstaidtraining #firstaidatwork #youthtraining #firstaidcourse #adulttraining #beepositivetraining #dofe #kentbusinesses #sussexbusinesses #surreybusiness #hampshirebusiness

Activity First Aid

The course is for those running activities that don’t need Outdoor First Aid. Covers Babies, Children and Adults. This is a regulated course.

#firstaid #cpr #firstaidtraining #training #firstaidkit #safety #emergency #paramedic #cprtraining #aed #medical #firstaidcourse #safetyfirst #medic #ambulance #firstresponder #savealife #stopthebleed #covid #firstaider #medicine #bls #beprepared #health #rescue #nurse #cprcertified

DofE Gold Expedition First Aid

This DofE expedition First Aid course is an Outdoor First Aid. We have taken the course and adapted it to work better for young people. The course is aimed at Gold level expeditions and has a minimum age of 16.

See our events for open courses or contact us

#outdoorfirstaid #outdoorfirstresponder #firstaid #thebigoutdoors #training #survival #adventure #outdooreducation #firstaidtraining #cpr #cprtraining #searchandrescue #bushcraft #medic #firstaidcourse #DofE

DofE Bronze and Silver Expedition First Aid

This DofE expedition First Aid course is an Emergency Outdoor First Aid. We have taken the course and adapted it to work better for young people. The course is aimed at Bronze and Silver level expeditions and has a minimum age of 14.

See our events for open courses or contact us

#outdoorfirstaid #outdoorfirstresponder #firstaid #thebigoutdoors #training #survival #adventure #outdooreducation #firstaidtraining #cpr #cprtraining #searchandrescue #bushcraft #medic #firstaidcourse #DofE

Outdoor First Aid

The OFA course is designed for outdoor professionals and employees who work in rural or remote environments. It will enable learners to undertake the role of the First Aider when emergency medical assistance could be more than 30 minutes away.

See our events for open courses or contact us

#outdoorfirstaid #outdoorfirstresponder #firstaid #thebigoutdoors #training #survival #adventure #outdooreducation #firstaidtraining #cpr #train #cprtraining #searchandrescue #bushcraft #medic #firstaidcourse

Emergency Outdoor First Aid

Work outdoors? This EOFA course is the ideal starting ground for that environment. Covering the essentials to keep a casualty alive. If you are working further afield more than 30 mins from a point of rescue then consider upgrading to the OFA.

#outdoorfirstaid #outdoorfirstresponder #firstaid #thebigoutdoors #training #survival #adventure #outdooreducation #firstaidtraining #cpr #train #cprtraining #searchandrescue #bushcraft #medic #firstaidcourse

World Diabetes Day

Diabetes is something most of us will come across. Dealing with a Diabetic Emergency is something you might have to do.

If you want to learn how! Get in touch we can put you on the right course.
Don’t forget to visit these guys and show your support.

#diabetes #type #diabetic #diabetesawareness #insulin #healthylifestyle #diet #colesterol #diabeteslife #healthyfood #RewriteTheStory #firstaidtraining #diabeticemergency

Paediatric First Aid

If you work with children or have children at home then this is the ultimate course for you. The EPFA course is a two-day course jam-packed with useful first aid for children.

This regulated course is recognised by all Nurseries, Pre-Schools and Schools.

Contact us to run a local course for you.

#paediatricfirstaid #firstaid #everychildmatters #qualitychildcare #firstaidtraining #babyfirstaid #firstaidcourse #cpr #training #firstaidcourse #firstaidtraining #parenting

Emergency Paediatric First Aid

If you work with children or have children at home then this is the course for you. The EPFA course is a one-day course jam-packed with useful first aid for children. It’s the one course I always paid attention on!

Contact us to run a local course for you.

#paediatricfirstaid #firstaid #everychildmatters #qualitychildcare #firstaidtraining #babyfirstaid #firstaidcourse #cpr #training #firstaidcourse #firstaidtraining #parenting

We Will Remember

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.

#remembrance #remembranceday #lestweforget #memorial #love #ww #remember #poppy #history #art #memories #wewillrememberthem #poppyappeal #worldwar #poppies #grief #military #veterans #remembrancesunday #neverforget #war #photography #army #soldiers #family #poppyday #memory #armisticeday #royalbritishlegion #armistice